Let's make a simple UI toggle switch using React and SVG. No need for some huge library dependency.
Antony Holmes
Researcher & Software Engineer in New York
Hi there! I'm Antony and I like making software. That's me in the photo, posing by the Hudson River for no particular reason, except maybe to look cool wearing Risky Business sunglasses.
I'm a researcher and sofware engineer in New York City who's learned how to do a few cool things with Java, Python, C++, Go, React, Next.js, and Astro, some of which were used to make what you're looking at right now.
I made this site with love and to try and get high Lighthouse scores. I think I mostly succeeded.
My blog covers an assortment of topics, mostly on tech, finance and whatever else takes my fancy.
I have an aptly named publications page where you can view all of the scientific literature I have written, primarily focused on cancer genetics.
My life story probably won't be optioned, but if it is, I hope the movie contains the music of Kraftwerk.
Some of my latest posts
Simplify class name strings without external libraries.
Fidelity's credit card is a solid 2% cash back card that works exactly as expected.
Schwab is a great one-stop-shop for all your banking and investing needs. Let's see why.
Fidelity is a great one-stop-shop for all your banking and investing needs. I currently use them as my primary bank. Maybe you should too after reading this.
A great card for someone wanting to build a credit history.
Small changes can lead to big outcomes with a little bit of disipline.
There's an old adage in financial circles that **you get what you don't pay for**.